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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Writer's picture: Bury St. Edmunds BulldogsBury St. Edmunds Bulldogs

The Management Committee of Bury St. Edmunds Basketball Club hereby gives formal notice of our Annual General Meeting.

The meeting will be held on Sunday 7th July at 6:30pm at Moreton Hall Community Centre. All club members (and in the case of junior club members, their parents) are invited to attend and vote on the makeup of the Management Committee. Prospective club members for the season ahead are also invited to attend as guests of the club, but have no voting rights at this meeting. The AGM will feature reports from the following officers: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Head Coach and Head Coach.

We will also vote to ratify the decision of the management committee to amend the club constitution (and committee makeup) effective from the date of the AGM (the proposed changes are shown on our Constitution, in the policies section of the website). As per our constitution, the following roles on the Management Committee will resign and the members will then vote on the nominated club members to fill the roles:

- Chair

- Vice Chair (Club Business Lead)

- Vice Chair (Club Service Lead)

- Secretary - Treasurer

We have been informed that our current Chair (Andrew MacDonald), Secretary (Arron MacDonald) and Treasurer (Glenn Collins) will not be standing for re-election this season.

As per the club constitution, all other roles involved in the club committee will be appointed by the Management Committee in the first meeting following the AGM. These roles include: - Welfare Officer

- Deputy Welfare Officer

- Team Managers

- Publicity Officers

- Fundraising/Events Sub-Committee

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these roles, or have any further business which you wish to be discussed please inform us via email at no later than Sunday 23rd June.

Please note that as this is an AGM, there will not be "Any Other Business" brought to the table on the evening - but committee members will be available to discuss club matters with members and parents following the conclusion of the meeting. The AGM Agenda will be shared to all members in advance of the meeting taking place.


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